88. WANG RONGQING (died)

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88.   WANG Rongqing

Pen name               

Sex                          Male

Birth date                1943-12-09

Birth place              Shaoxing City, Zhejiang Province

Resident place         Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province

Education               Middle school

Profession              Freelance writer (Honorary Member of ICPC)

 Date of arrest         2008-06-26 (detained), 2008-07-31 (arrested)

Organ of arrest       Public Security Bureau of Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province

Cause of arrest     Acting as an coordinator of Chinese Democratic Party after it was banned in 2002, editing its magazine of Opposition Party and publishing a number of articles on CDP

distributing its articles on internet, and communicating with overseas

Charge                   Subverting State power

Date of sentence     2009-01-08

Organ of sentence  Intermediate People’s Court of Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province

Sentence                  6 year imprisonment and 2 years deprivation of political rights

Defender                 Lawyer LIU Yong

Place of jail             Prison General Hospital, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang  Province

Situation in jail        Very poor health, critically ill with serious renal failure and uremia

Date of release        2010-01-12 (medical parole twice)

Family contact        WANG Rongyao (brother), Tel: +86-15867100724

Donation to             WANG Rongyao, West Union

Case adopted by     ICPC

Current Status           Released by medical parole from 2010-01-12, died on 2014-06-26

 References              http://www.david-kilgour.com/2009/Jan_10_2009_03.php


http://www.rfi.fr/actucn/articles/109/article_11454.asp                                         http://www.asianews.it/index.php?l=zh&art=14160

