65. YANG MAODONG (Released)

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Yang MaodongPen name                Guo Feixiong

Sex                               Male

Birth date                1966-08-02

Birth place              Gucheng County, Hubei Province

Resident place         Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province

Education               B.Sc. in Philosophy at East China Normal University, 1988

Profession              Freelance writer and independent publisher, adviser of Beijing Shengzhi Law Firm (Honorary member of ICPC)

Date of arrest          2005-09-13 (detained), 2005-10-04 (arrested); 2006-09-14 (detained), 2006-09-30 (arrested) (2nd); 2013-08-08 (detained), 2013-09-11(arrested) (3rd )

Organ of arrest       Fanyu Public Security Bureau (1st); Public Security Bureau of Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province (2nd  & 3rd )

Cause of arrest       helping the Taishi villagers in the legal procedure and public campaign to dismiss the corrupted village chief, and continuously reporting the event to the press media as well as on Internet (1st); alleged for illegal publishing and selling 20000 copies of books (2nd) ; participation in solidarity with “Southern Weekend” and giving a speech in public (3rd )

Charge                    Suspicion of assembling a crowd to disturb social order (1st); illegal business (2nd) ; assembling a crowd to disrupt order in public places (3rd )

Date of sentence     2007-11-14 (2nd); 2014-11-28 (3rd, hearing), 2015-11-27 (verdict), 2016-01-16 (appeal)

Organ of sentence   People’s Prosecutorate of Fanyu District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province (1st);People’s Court of Tianhe District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province (2nd); Tianhe District People’s Court (3nd), Intermediate People’s Court of Guangzhou City (appeal)

Sentence                  5 years imprisonment and 40,000 CNY fine (2nd); 6 years imprisonment (3rd)

Defender                 Lawyer GAO Zhisheng (1st); Lawyer MO Shaoping (2nd); Lawyer SUI Muqing, LIN Qilei, and CHEN Guangwu (3rd )

Place of jail             Shawan Detention Center of Fanyu Public Security Bureau (1st); Meizhou Prison, Meizhou City, Guangdong Province (2nd); No. 1 Detention Center of Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province (3rd ), Yingde Prison, Yingde City, Guangdong Province (now)

Situation in jail        Hunger strike for 2 months (1st); tortured many times and on hunger strike (2nd); rejected to meet lawyers many times (3rd ), suffering from gastrointestinal bleeding, but being denied proper medical treatment in prison.

Date of release        2005-12-27 (unprosecuted) (1st); 2011-09-13 (2nd); 2019-08-07 (3nd)

Family contact        ZHANG Qing (wife), 4201 North  Garfield  Street   #240, Midland Texas 79705, U.S.A., Tel: +1-432-599 1837

Donation to
Account Name: ZHANG Qing
Western National Bank
Routing # 116307370  Account # 91001676
Address: 800 W. Wadley Midland TX. 79705

Case adopted by     ICPC

Current Status         Released due to expiry of sentence on 2019-08-07
