Minitrue: CCTV’s Rui Chenggang Detained

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The following censorship instructions, issued to the media by government authorities, has been leaked and distributed online. The name of the issuing body has been omitted to protect the source.

News of the investigation of Rui Chenggang should not be on the double homepages [main and news]. Do not hype related content. (July 12, 2014)


Rui Chenggang, long-time host of CCTV’s Economic News, has been detained on suspicion of graft. Rui is rumored to be connected to other high-level CCTV management who were detained in June.

CDT collects directives from a variety of sources and checks them against official Chinese media reports to confirm their implementation.

Since directives are sometimes communicated orally to journalists and editors, who then leak them online, the wording published here may not be exact. The date given may indicate when the directive was leaked, rather than when it was issued. CDT does its utmost to verify dates and wording, but also takes precautions to protect the source.


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