199. WU GAN

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Wu GanPen name                Super Vulgar Butcher, or Butcher (Tufu)

Sex                               Male

Birth date               1972-02-14

Birth place              Xiashi Village, Jingyang Town, Fuqing City, Fujian Province

Resident place       Fangshan District, Beijing City,

Education                 Seconary school graduate

Profession                 Internet writer, blogger, administrative assistant at Beijing Fengrui Law Firm , Beijing City  (ICPC honorary member)

Date of arrest          2015-05-19 (administrative detention), 2015-05-27 (criminal detention), 2015-07-03 (arrested)

Organ of arrest       Donghu Branch of Public Security Bureau of Nanchang City,  Jiangxi Province (administrative detention), Siming Branch of Public Security Bureau of Xuamen City,  Fujian Province (criminal detention, arrest),  Public Security Bureau of Tianjin City (since end of 2015)

Cause of arrest         Setting up two pull-up standees in front of the Jiangxi Province Higher People’s Court to protest the court’s denial of the defense’s access to files of the “Leping Wrongful Conviction Case”, and online presentation of his critical opinions toward the authorities.

Charge                          Disturbing order of the work unit, and publicly insulting people (administrative detention),  Suspicion of creating disturbances (criminal detention), defamation (criminal detention-arrest), and inciting subversion of the state power (arrest), subversion of the state power (indictment and verdict)

Date of sentence     2017-12-26

Organ of sentence  Second Intermediate People’s Court of Tianjin City

Sentence                     8 years imprisonment and 5 years deprivation of political rights

Defender                      Lawyer LI Fangping and WANG Yu (f, detained late), YAN Xin and GE Yongxi

Place of jail                 Detention Center of Nanchang City (administrative detention), Detention Center of Yongtai County, Fujian Province, (criminal detention), 2nd Detention Center of Tianjin City (since end of 2015).

Situation in jail        Tortured

Date of release        2023-05-26 (?)

Family contact       Huang Chang (son), Tel: +86-180 6205 1821 (sister)

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Case adopted by        ICPC

Current Status           Main case
sought to appeal
Indicted on 2016-12-23.
