71岁的中国著名独立记者高瑜女士四月十七日被北京市第三中级人民法院以“向境外非法提供国家秘密”罪判处有期徒刑七年后,在中国国内和国际上引起广泛关注和强烈谴责。 此案所涉及的所谓国家秘密就是臭名昭著的中共中央九号文件,明令禁止讨论和讲授宪政民主、普世价值、公民社会、利伯维尔场化经济、新闻自由、中国共产党的历史错误、以及质疑有中国特色的社会主义,即所谓的“七不讲”。 这份文件的野蛮、反人类性质不言而喻,任何一个有良知的记者、乃至公民都有责任对之进行披露和反对。 事实上,早在高瑜撰文披露和评论前,这份文件的内容已在国内外网络广泛传播。 这样一份旨在恫吓社会的政党文件,没有任何理由构成中国的“国家机密”。
但是在一党专制、法治形同虚设的中国,什么是机密、什么不是机密由共产党任意决定。 但是根据高瑜女士的律师,即使从司法技术程序而言,检方没有任何实体证据证明高瑜向境外媒体传输了这份文件,而将高瑜定罪的是高瑜在当局威逼迫胁下在中央电视台上的“公开认罪”。 因此,中国当局对高瑜的审判与重刑无疑是对一个良心记者的疯狂报复以及对新闻自由的强力遏制,是对普世正义原则的双重践踏和挑战,也是习近平上台以来对媒体、互联网、异见、以及公民社会变本加厉进行打压的一部分。
高瑜1944年生于重庆,祖籍河南。 1967年毕业于中国人民大学语言文学系,1980年进入中新社担任记者,1988年10月担任《经济学周报》副总编。 1989年六四后,该报被勒令停刊。 高瑜历经三次牢狱。 1989年6月3日被秘密逮捕关押450天;因给香港《镜报》撰文,1994年11月被北京市中级法院以“泄露国家机密罪”判处6年;2014年4月24日,高瑜再次被北京警方秘密逮捕并在一年后判以重刑。
作为中国少有的不畏强暴的独立记者之一,高瑜女士得到了广泛的国际认可和褒奖。 她曾获得国际报业发行人协会的“自由金笔奖” (1995),国际妇女媒体基金会的“新闻勇气奖”(1995和2006),以及联合国教科文组织的“吉耶尔莫卡诺新闻自由奖”(1997)。
高瑜女士患有高血压、心脏病和美尼尔综合症等多种疾病。 自从1989年失去体制内公职以来,高瑜靠新闻写作艰难维生,只有最简单的医疗保险,没有退休金和社会福利。 高瑜女士急需得到各方人士的关怀和救助,解除她的财政忧患,使得她的疾病能得到及时和有效的治疗,在狱中的生活能得到保证(在中国的监狱中,家人和朋友需要为犯人存钱,以便他们可以购买营养食品和物资,而且监狱的物价十分高昂)。
从基本的人道主义出发,人道中国和 China Change 在两家网站同步联合发起为高瑜募捐活动。 人道中国是位于美国加利福尼亚州湾区的一个小型非盈利公共福利组织,由周锋锁等三人于2007年创立,经年致力于小额救助生活艰难的中国大陆良心犯及其家人,2014年共救助近一百人。 在去年九月至十月一次类似的专项募捐活动中,人道中国为被判处终身监禁的维吾尔族学者伊力哈木∙土赫提家人募集一万多美元。 ChinaChange.org创立于2013年6月4日,是一个致力于报导和传播有关中国大陆人权、民主、法治、公民社会消息的英文网站,曾翻译多篇高瑜女士的文章。 她2013年初最早向世界分析习近平的文章《男儿习近平》之英译版是本网站阅读量最大的文章之一。
募捐活動將持續至2015年6月4日。 感謝您的關懷和支持!
By Humanitarian China and China Change, published: April 26, 2015
Humanitarian China will match your donation, as it did in the Ilham Tohti drive, and send twice as much as it receives to the family of Gao Yu.
A file photo of Chinese journalist Gao Yu speaking at a press conference in Hong Kong. AFP via RFA http://www.rfa.org/english/commentaries/baotong/detention-03302015110907.html
A file photo of Chinese journalist Gao Yu speaking at a press conference in Hong Kong. AFP via RFA http://www.rfa.org/english/commentaries/baotong/detention-03302015110907.html
On April 17, Beijing Municipal Third Intermediary People’s Court sentenced 71-year-old independent Chinese journalist Gao Yu (高瑜) to 7 years in prison for “leaking state secrets to foreign contacts,” provoking a domestic and international outcry and condemnation. The state secrets in question are the infamous Document No. 9 of the Chinese Communist Party that seeks to prohibit discussions in China of constitutional democracy, universal values, civil society, ideas of free market economy, press freedom, historical errors of the Party, and the ills of socialism with Chinese characteristics. These are known as the Seven Don’t Mentions. The barbaric nature of this document is apparent, and any principled journalist or citizen should reveal it and oppose it. As a matter of fact, long before Gao Yu, the document had been widely talked about online and offline, inside and outside of China. Such a Party document, aimed at handcuffing the otherwise vibrant Chinese society, has no basis to constitute a “state secret.”
However, in dictatorial China where the rule of law is but a prop, what is, or is not, a state secret is arbitrarily decided by the Party. But even if this document is a secret, the prosecutors had no evidence to prove that Gao Yu passed it on to overseas contacts, and Gao Yu was convicted based on the “public confessions” she had made under duress on CCTV. As such, the sentence of Gao Yu is clearly a reprisal against a courageous journalist and freedom of the press. And it is a redoubled provocation against the universal concept of justice, and part of Xi Jinping’s systematic suppression of the press, the internet, the dissent, and the civil society.
Gao Yu was born in Chongqing in 1944 and graduated from the Chinese Language Department of Renmin University of China in 1967. She became a journalist with the state-owned China News in 1980, and in 1988, she became the deputy editor-in-chief of the Economics Weekly (《經濟學周報》), a liberal-leaning paper that was shut down after the Tiananmen Movement in 1989. This is Gao Yu’s third time in jail. She was secretly detained on June 3rd, 1989, for 450 days. In November, 1994, because of her writings for the Mirror magazine in Hong Kong, she was sentenced by Beijing Municipal Intermediary Court to 6 years in prison for “leaking state secrets.”
As one of the few fearless independent journalists in China, Gao Yu has won broad international recognition. She was awarded the Golden Pen of Freedom Award by the World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers in 1995. The international Women’s Media Foundation twice awarded Gao Yu the Courage in Journalism Award in 1995 and 2006. And, she was the first laureate (1997) of UNESCO’s annual World Press Freedom Prize.
Gao Yu suffers from hypertension, heart disease, and Meniere’s disease. Since losing her job in the state system, she has depended on her reporting for a living that’s too often constrained. She has had only minimal medical insurance, and has no pension or welfare benefits. Gao Yu is in urgent need of help to relieve her of financial difficulties so that she can receive adequate and effective treatment and nutrition (in China’s prisons, relatives and friends must make deposits for prisoners so that the latter can purchase food and supplies that are often overpriced).
Out of humanitarian considerations, Humanitarian China and China Change are simultaneously launching this joint donation drive for Gao Yu. Humanitarian China, founded by Zhou Fengsuo (周鋒鎖) and friends in 2007, is a small non-profit charity in the Bay Area in California. It has for years devoted to helping struggling prisoners of conscience and their families with small relief funds. In 2014, Humanitarian China provided relief for nearly 100 people, and its donation drive for the Uighur scholar Ilham Tohti garnered a total of more than $10,000 and the funds were delivered to Ilham’s family. ChinaChange.org was launched on June 4th, 2013, an English-language website dedicated to reporting on human rights, rule of law, and civil society in China. The website has translated multiple articles by Gao Yu, and her article Xi Jinping the Man was the first to unveil what kind of leader Xi Jinping is in January, 2013. It is one of the most read posts on this website.
But your contribution is more than just humanitarian. It is also a token of opposition to political tyranny in China.
Humanitarian China will match your donation, as it did in the Ilham Tohti drive, and send twice as much as it receives to the family of Gao Yu.
You may choose check, credit card, or PayPal to make a donation. You can also make a completely anonymous contribution through a secure third party. Please visit http://h-china.org/donation/ for details.
The donation drive will end on June 4th, 2015. We thank you for your kindness and generosity.
Humanitarian China
China Change