


2015年6月8日 华盛顿








我们一致谴责中共政权在过去一年里对各族群、宗教团体、各地区维权人士进行的新一轮严厉打压和迫害:烈火吞噬了14名以生命抗议中共践踏人权罪行的藏人,藏人自焚人数攀升至138位; 中共政权无耻地因言治罪、将提倡民族和睦的和平维吾尔学者伊尔哈姆判处终身监禁;中共政权杀害、打伤、逮捕了众多为保护自己家园免受工业污染破坏的南(内)蒙古村民; 71岁的独立记者高瑜被以所谓“为境外非法提供国家秘密罪”判处7年徒刑,连妇女权利活动人士也被拘留和虐待;中共完全无视香港市民要求真普选的民意和呼声;台湾的民主持续受到中共的侵蚀和威胁;对基督徒和法轮功的迫害仍在继续,其中包括大规模的强拆教堂和活体摘取器官等恐怖罪行。四月十五日,中国政府发布了关于西藏问题的又一个白皮书,该白皮书变本加厉地篡改历史事实、诋毁达赖喇嘛和试图抹掉西藏的悲惨现实。







1. 共同携手为在中共统治下的良心犯获得自由而呼吁,包括但不限于丹增德勒仁波切、高瑜、刘晓波、班禅喇嘛、伊利哈木、浦志强、哈达、许志永、丁家喜、郭飞雄等, 特别共同努力争取王炳章博士获释并参加女儿的婚礼。

2. 继续支持各族群及各宗教团体、各地区争取公民和政治权利的抗争, 加强和完善常设族群间/宗教团结网络,利用该在线平台建立广泛的联合阵线, 传递分享信息,进行沟通和交流, 同时加强网络的组织建设, 吸收更多的年轻人加入我们的工作。

3. 创建和支持“中国良心犯的孩子”组织,增强国际社会对中华人民共和国境内成千上万良心犯及其家人遭受苦难的关注和支持,包括对西藏自焚人士以及被无辜枪杀的维族人士的家人子女的关心和帮助。

4. 加强支持"全球马格尼茨基"法案联盟的工作,争取该法案在美国和其他民主国家和地区通过和实施,利用对个人人权施暴者进行签证制裁和财产冻结,追究其国际法律责任;各族群和宗教团体应尽快提供第一批人权施暴者名单。

5. 在本族群和宗教间网络中创建一个工作组,与国际人权非政府机构合作,推动在美国国会通过中国民主法案的工作, 并利用2016年美国总统大选, 鼓励候选人回归和实施以人权为中心的外交政策。

6. 讨论制定策略和计画, 启动环保项目, 作为一个凝聚全体人民的议题, 动员人民保护自己的空气、用水、土地、食品和孩子。

7. 继续共同发声,反对对维吾尔人、藏人、南(内)蒙古人等其他族群的民族歧视,包括发式着装、 护照签发、旅行限制和拒绝入住等歧视性做法。

Declaration of Unity of the Tenth Interethnic Interfaith Leadership Conference
April 30, 2015

Washington DC, USA
We, the delegates to the Tenth Interethnic/Interfaith Leadership Conference, held from April 26 to 30, 2015 in Washington, DC with the theme of “Building A Free Democratic Homeland with Citizen Power: Prospects and Pathways,” recalled recent human rights and democratic movements in each of our communities, and looked ahead at the challenges and opportunities facing all of us.

Despite the worsening human rights conditions and the grim prospects for an immediate democratic transition in our homelands, we are encouraged by the unremitting struggle by our brothers and sisters, both free and incarcerated, living or dead, and we feel uplifted by the ever stronger civic awareness and citizen self-empowerment.

We unequivocally condemn the Chinese Communist regime’s new round of severe repression. They have cracked down on activists in each of the ethnic and religious communities in the past year. Fire engulfed 14 young Tibetans who gave their lives to protest against the Chinese Communist regime’s human rights abuses, claiming a total of 138 innocent lives; the regime shamelessly handed down life sentence to peaceful Uyghur scholar Ilham Tohti for expressing his views and advocating for ethnic harmony; the regime killed, injured or arrested many Southern Mongolian villagers for protecting their homeland from ruin by industrial pollution; the 71-year-old independent journalist Gao Yu was given a seven-year prison sentence for so-called “illegally providing state secrets abroad,” and even women’s right activists were detained and mistreated; the Hong Kong people’s cry for universal suffrage was completely ignored; Taiwan’s democracy continues to be consistently threatened; the persecution of Christians and Falun Gong practitioners has persisted, including massive church demolitions and horrific organ harvesting. On April 15, 2015, China’s State Council Information Office released another frenzied white paper on Tibet that is just another attempt to deny truth about history,demonize the Dalai Lama and whitewash the tragic reality in Tibet.

We strongly believe the above evil deeds are just like the darkest hours that precede the dawn, and it only shows that the Chinese Communist regime is indeed insecure, weak, and fearful of citizen power, and that its system of control has begun to crack from within.

At a time of profound peril, we firmly uphold the truth that human rights and freedom are our birthrights, and that our civil and political rights are bestowed by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and other international legal documents, and no state shall take them away from us.

We also resolutely stand by our conviction that all people have the right to freely determine their own fate, choose their own political systems and pursue their own their economic, social, cultural and spiritual development.

We hereby reaffirm our commitment to universal values and constitutional democracy in which the human dignity and human rights of all peoples are respected, fundamental freedoms and social justice are secured, and all people live in peace, harmony and prosperity.

Once again, we renew our pledge that we shall consistently respect each other, offer mutual assistance, and pursue an open, sincere, frank, friendly and open dialogue among all parties, regardless of the hurdles, hardships or setbacks that we may face in the future.

In order to keep our commitments and fulfill our pledge, we hereby resolve to take the following action in the coming year:

1. Work together to call for the immediate release and secure the freedom of prisoners of conscience in the People’s Republic of China including but not limited to Tenzin Delek Rinpoche, Gao Yu, Liu Xiaobo, Panchen Lama, Ilham Tohti, Pu Zhiqiang, Hada, Xu Zhiyong,Ding Jiaxi and Guo Feixiong, and in particular allowing Dr. Wang Bingzhang to return home to attend his daughter’s wedding.

2. Continue to support each other’s struggle for our civil and political rights, and strengthen our organization and form a broad-based united front through our permanent and improved Interethnic/Interfaith Solidarity Network and use this online platform to share information and exchange views, and recruit more youth to join our efforts.

3. Support Children of Prisoners of Conscience of China to raise international awareness of tens of thousands of political prisoners in the People’s Republic of China, and the hardship and suffering of their families, including the children of the self-immolated Tibetans and killed Uyghurs.

4. Increase the activities of our coalition to promote the passage of the Global Magnitsky legislation, which would ban entry of individual human rights abusers to the United States and freeze their assets. It would also provide the first group of names of the worst human rights abusers from each of our communities.

5. Create a task force within the network to work together with other international human rights NGOs to call for U.S. Congress to pass a China Democracy Act and encourage the U.S. presidential candidates in the 2016 election to restore and implement a human rights-focused foreign policy.

6. Formulate strategies and plans to launch an environmental initiative as a unifying issue to mobilize all peoples to protect their air, water, land, food and children.

7. Use this platform to end the discrimination against Uyghurs, Tibetans, Southern Mongolians and other ethnic groups, including refusal of passport issuance, travel restrictions, denial of hotel stay and other discriminatory practices.

