

国际笔会副会长(女委前主席、墨西哥圣米格尔笔会创始人)露西娜·卡特曼(Lucina Kathmann)并代表女委主席(芬兰笔会前会长)伊丽莎白·诺德格林(Elisabeth Nordgren)


Dear PEN Chinese women writers assembled in Hong Kong,

We are thrilled and even envious to hear about your conference. We think you will all have a wonderful time and will learn in greater depth what challenges each other faces. We know some of you live with far greater freedom of expression than others and we are sure these and other variations, such as the difference in your Chinese languages, are reflected in your writing in fascinating ways. Congratulations to everybody!

Lucina Kathmann for Elisabeth Nordgren, chair, and the PEN International Women Writers Committee

国际笔会妇女委员会主席(芬兰笔会前会长)伊丽莎白·诺德格林(Elisabeth Nordgren)

国际笔会妇女委员会主席(芬兰笔会前会长)伊丽莎白·诺德格林(Elisabeth Nordgren)

国际笔会副会长(女委前主席、墨西哥圣米格尔笔会创始人)露西娜·卡特曼(Lucina Kathmann)

国际笔会副会长(女委前主席、墨西哥圣米格尔笔会创始人)露西娜·卡特曼(Lucina Kathmann)

2017-11-23 明镜网

作者 editor