Tag Archives: Women’s Rights Activists

China’s Women’s Rights Movement Has Long History

45187F51-1811-4E1D-BD0B-ED022C7964BD_w640_r1_sFILE – Portraits of Li Tingting (top L), Wei Tingting (top R), (bottom, L-R) Wang Man, Wu Rongrong and Zheng Churan are pictured during a protest calling for their release in Hong Kong, April 11, 2015.

Shannon Van Sant

May 19, 2015 9:02 AM

HONG KONG—Earlier this year several feminists in China were arrested just before an international day celebrating women’s equality. They were some of Continue reading

China rejects international pleas to release five feminists from jail

Britain, the EU and US ambassador to the UN among those calling for activists detained just before International Women’s Day to be freed

8edea15e-74f8-42f6-8279-f51c2ef1806c-620x372Wei Tingting, right, waits outside a court in Beijing last year. Wei is one of five female activists detained for planning to put up anti-sexual harassment stickers. Photograph: Ng Han Guan/AP

Tania Branigan China correspondent

Wednesday 25 March 2015 13.03 EDT Last modified on Wednesday 25 March 2015 13.51 EDT

China has rejected calls from Britain, the US ambassador Continue reading

Five Feminists Remain Jailed in China for Activities the Government Supports


India China Activists DetainedEmily Rauhala / Beijing @emilyrauhala March 19, 2015

Altaf Qadri—AP
Indian women’s rights activists wearing masks of five women’s rights activists formally detained in China after Women’s Day crackdown, hold placards with their names, to express their solidarity and demand their immediate release, in New Delhi, India, Wednesday, March 18, 2015

The line between dissidence and social activism grows ever murkier
It was supposed to be a celebration. This year marks Continue reading