Monthly Archives: 4 月 2023

Ding Jiaxi: Autocracy Must Perish — A Statement on Court


Counting from the 1911 Revolution (Hsinhai Revolution), more than 110 years have passed. After several generations of sacrifices, the Chinese people are still living in a state of political oppression, economic control, and ideological enslavement. The dictator and his privileged interest group have constantly made use of high-tech means to strengthen their autocratic rule. But the civilization is propelling the course of history with a powerful force; a battle between democracy and autocracy is unfolding; their lifelong autocracy and long-term delusion of one-party dictatorship are coming to an end, and China’s social transformation is approaching day by day. Continue reading

XU Zhiyong: A Beautiful China – A Statement on Court

I want to have a dream, a beautiful China, with beauty and liberty, fairness and happiness. It will be a democratic China. The world will still be the world of all people over the world. It will not be a land ruled by one clan or one party, but really a country by the people, with its power from the votes, not from the guns. Continue reading

An Open Letter to Wang Zheng, Director of Zhejiang Prison Administration, on the protection of Lü Gengsong’s human rights and interests

Dear Director Wang Zheng,

Independent Chinese PEN Center (ICPC), PEN America, and PEN International are writing to you to draw your attention to the case of Mr. Lü Gengsong, a member of ICPC.  Mr. Lü is serving his sentence in Huzhou Changhu Prison, which is under your administration. Mr. Lü is 67 years old and is serving an 11-year prison sentence. It is reported that he has been repeatedly abused by a prison officer in various ways, his legal rights have been seriously violated, and his physical and mental health is worrying. For this reason, we ask your bureau to investigate and deal with it and ensure Mr. Lü ‘s basic rights and humane treatment in accordance with the law.

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