Category Archives: unclassified

OoT, Canberra & Chinese Alliance for Democracy Conduct Seminar titled “Sino-Tibet Relations in the Post-Xi Jinping Era”

Sydney, Australia: The Office of Tibet, Canberra, in collaboration with the Chinese Alliance for Democracy, organised a seminar titled “Sino-Tibet Relations in the Post Xi Jinping Era” at Sydney University on 10 July 2024.

The seminar, graced by the presence of esteemed researchers, activists, and leading experts on China, engaged in a comprehensive discourse. The discussions ranged from the impact of Xi-Jinping’s policies on Sino-Tibetan relations to the alarming cultural genocide unfolding in Tibet under his rule.

In his opening remarks, Representative Karma Singey underscored the situation’s urgency, stating, “Today, a deep sense of insecurity, uncertainty, and fear pervades due to the Chinese government’s expansionist greed and repressive policies. If these policies remain unchallenged, the world’s peace and security are in grave jeopardy.” He further revealed China’s policy to securitise Tibet and Sinicise Tibetan people as part of Xi Jinping’s long-term assimilation drive.

Dr Gyalo, a leading expert on China’s assimilation and education policies in Tibet, shared his profound insights on Xi Jinping’s overall vision to create a Han-centric nationalism policy and how the Chinese government has enforced mandatory boarding school education for Tibetan children, which he described as forced sinicisation and policy of culture genocide against Tibetans.

Bawa Kalsang Gyaltsen, Representative of the Office of Tibet in Taiwan, explained the Central Tibetan Administration’s commitment to Middle Way Policy in finding a peaceful solution to the Sino-Tibet conflict. He further emphasised the importance of more vital interaction and allyship between Tibetan and Chinese communities to strengthen the friendship between the two communities.

Finally, Prof. Feng Chongyi, Associate Professor at the University of Technology Sydney and Chairman of the Australia and New Zealand Alliance of Victims of Chinese Communist Party spoke on how establishing a democratic constitutional government in China is the prerequisite for any nationality to achieve self-determination. He further explained that democratic negotiation or a referendum under a democratic political system is necessary to realise self-determination, which could result in autonomy, independence, or maintaining the status quo.

Dr Jin Jiang, Chairman of the Chinese Alliance for Democracy, Duoduo Zhang, President of the Sydney Chinese-Tibetan Friendship Group, and Sophia Tsai, a Taiwanese ally, moderated the seminar.

Dawa Sangmo, Chinese liaison officer of the Tibet Office, Canberra, delivered the closing remarks.

Independent Chinese PEN Center Award Ceremony Remarks by Chris Smith

ICPC held its annual conference in Taipei, on Oct. 5th, 2023. Famous female Chinese writer Yan Geling was award the Prize of Free Writing, and a member of ICPC and a dissident writer, Mr. Chen Yunfei was awarded the Prize of Liu Xiaobo Brevity Writing.

Congressman Christopher Smith, Chairman of Congressional Executive Commission on China of the US sent his congratulations for this awarding conference. Below is his letter.


Pen name               

 Sex                              Male

 Birth date                1967-11-11

Birth place              Beijing

Resident place         24-6-107  Bajiao North Rord, Shijingshan District, Beijing Continue reading


Wang QuanzhangSex                               Male

Birth date               1976-02-15

Birth place              Wulian County, Shandong Province

Resident place       Shijingshan District, Beijing Continue reading

215. XIN LIJIAN (Released)

Xin LijianSex                              Male

Birth date              1956-01-10

Birth place             Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province

Resident place       Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province

Education                B.A. in literature at Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou Continue reading

United States: Trump government policies discriminatory and a threat to freedom of expression

Demonstrators shout slogans during anti-Donald Trump immigration ban protests outside Terminal 4 at San Francisco International Airport in San Francisco, California, U.S., January 28, 2017. REUTERS/Kate Munsch

Demonstrators shout slogans during anti-Donald Trump immigration ban protests outside Terminal 4 at San Francisco International Airport in San Francisco, California, U.S., January 28, 2017. REUTERS/Kate Munsch

On 27 January the United States president Donald Trump signed an executive order announcing the suspension of the Unites States refugee program for at least 120 days and indefinitely for Syrian nationals. The executive order goes further to cut the total number of refugees of any nationality who can be resettled under the program; and ban entry to the Unites States of nationals from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen for at least 90 days. Continue reading

Liu Xia: I Am Tired

Liu XiaI am tired
I am tired of my white pills
I am tired of my smiles at you
I am tired of toilets on trains
I am tired of your reputation
I am tired of my heart tiring Continue reading

China’s Ruling Party Continues to Tighten Grip on Internet Content

Screenshots of China's WeChat app and logo on a desktop computer and smartphone

Screenshots of China’s WeChat app and logo on a desktop computer and smartphone, June 1, 2016. RFA

The ruling Chinese Communist Party is continuing to tighten controls over what the country’s 700 million internet users see and post online, issuing reporting forms to its officials who are expected to list content that could be seen as problematic by censors. Continue reading