Tag Archives: Charter 08

No. 14 Yu ZHANG: Case 64 (2010): Liu Xiaobo, Winning Prize with No Enemies

From Wang Shiwei to Liu Xiaobo: Prisoners of Literary Inquisition under Communist Rule in China

Liu Xiaobo

Liu Xiaobo (28 December 1955- ), a renowned Chinese literary critic, dissident writer and human rights activist, was sentenced to 11 years’ imprisonment for “inciting subversion of state power” based on his writings criticizing the Chinese authorities and his participation in drafting and launching Charter 08. He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2010.
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Tienchi Martin-Liao:“In the beginning was the Word”

by Tienchi Martin-Liao / December 18, 2013
On the fifth year of Liu Xiaobo’s imprisonment.

Liu Xia, wife of Liu Xiaobo. Image: Lunar New Year via Flickr.

Exactly five years ago, on December 6, 2008, Continue reading