Monthly Archives: 11 月 2016

160. GAO YU

Gao YuPen name                 Xiao Xiao, Lu Yue, Fu Qing etc.

Sex                               Female

Birth date                1944-02-23

Birth place               Chongqing City

Resident place         Haidian District, Beijing City Continue reading

Journalist still under house arrest, cannot receive treatment abroad

gao-yu1A Beijing court has told journalist Gao Yu that she can continue serving her five-year jail term under a form of house arrest for another year from 26 November but has warned her that she could be sent her back to prison “at any time.”

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Editor of human rights news website detained in China

liu-feiyueNew York, November 28, 2016 – Chinese authorities should immediately release Liu Feiyue, the editor and founder of the human rights news website Civil Rights & Livelihood Watch, known in China as Minsheng Guancha, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today. Liu’s arrest occurred amid increasing efforts by China to silence journalists and bloggers who cover protests and human rights abuses. Continue reading

Tienchi Liao: An empty chair for Liu xiaobo on the 2016 Nobel Peace Prize ceremony

liu-xiaobo-nobel-prizeTo Chair Woman of the Norwegian Nobel Committee
Mrs. Kaci Kullmann

Former Chairman
Mr. Thorbjorn Jagland

Dear Mrs. Kullmann,
Dear Mr. Jagland,

The 2010 Nobel Peace Prize laureate Mr. Liu Xiaobo is still kept in prison in China, he is serving his 11 years imprisonment and will not be released till 2020. Continue reading

Te-Ping Chen: Writing China: Madeleine Thien, ‘Do Not Say We Have Nothing’


Madeleine Thien Photo: Babak Salari

In Ms. Thien’s novel, multiple generations are linked by an at-times taboo love for Western music

Even during the chaos of the Cultural Revolution, China maintained a symphony orchestra at the behest of Mao’s wife. It’s one of the surprising artifacts of history unearthed in Madeleine Thien’s latest novel, “Do Not Say We Have Nothing,” a rich, sprawling tale centered on tragedies that unfold at the Shanghai Conservatory of Music amid the brutal struggles of that era. Continue reading

On the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, 2016

piwwcNovember 25 marks the United Nations’ International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. This day was chosen to commemorate the brutal murders of three of the Mirabal sisters, revolutionary heroines of the Dominican Republic. On November 25, 1960, Patria, Minerva and María Teresa Mirabal and their driver were stopped on the road by members of the secret police force of the dictator Rafael Trujillo and clubbed to death. Continue reading

Writers on the 2016 US Election: Adriana Ramirez


Adriana Ramirez, Mexican-Colombian nonfiction writer, storyteller, performance poet.

The strongest feeling I had on November 9th was indifference. Continue reading

Facebook ‘made China censorship tool’


Facebook chief Mark Zuckerberg recently spent time with China’s leader Xi Jinping, as well as taking time to learn Mandarin. AP

Facebook worked on special software so it could potentially accommodate censorship demands in China, according to a report in the New York Times.

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