Murong Xuecun: A Land China Loves and Hates

murong-xuecun-contrib-thumbWideOCT. 13, 2015

HONG KONG — On the 10th anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks, a major Chinese television network broadcast a documentary that investigated how Chinese people viewed not only those pivotal events but America itself. One man, referring to the slaughter of thousands of Americans, declared, “What a beautiful job!” Another said, “They should give America more of the same.” And a student standing in Tiananmen Square said he approved of the attacks because the United States was a bully and a hegemon.

Later in the film, the young man in Tiananmen Square went on Continue reading

MURONG XUECUN: Scaling China’s Great Firewall

By MURONG XUECUN August 21, 2015

In the fall of 2011, a friend and I got on to discussing Tibet. “Do you know,” he said, “that Tibetans are setting fire to themselves?”

I had spent from 2005 to 2008 in Lhasa, the Tibetan capital, but I had never heard of acts of self-immolation. My friend filled me in on the ghastly details, Continue reading

MURONG XUECUN: Corrupting the Chinese Language


May 28, 2015

Andy Wong/Associated Press

On a recent walk along a street in the southern Chinese city of Sanya, I heard a shop pumping out a rock version of the famous Communist Party anthem “Socialism Is Good.” Continue reading

China’s Publishers Court America as Its Authors Scorn Censorship

chinabook-articleLargeBy ALEXANDRA ALTER May 29, 2015

Protesters, including some Chinese writers, at the New York Public Library this week while a Chinese publishing delegation attended BookExpo only blocks away.
Sam Hodgson for The New York Times

A few years ago, the Chinese writer Murong Xuecun had the kind of Continue reading

Murong Xuecun:Xi’s Selective Punishment

JAN. 16, 2015

HONG KONG — A Chinese government official I know was put under shuanggui, the secretive system of internal Communist Party investigation in which victims are detained, questioned without counsel and sometimes tortured. Continue reading

MURONG XUECUN:Beijing’s Rising Smear Power

SEPT. 21, 2014

BEIJING — Chinese dissidents are constantly subject to all sorts of harassment. The artist Ai Weiwei can’t leave the country to attend exhibitions of his own work. Continue reading

On the Smear Campaign Against a Dissident Writer


Yaqiu Interested in justice, equality, democratic transition, social movement, civil resistance, human rights, feminism, etc. Twitter:@Yaqiu

On Monday, August 25, an article titled “the Life of Murong Xuecun” Continue reading

MURONG XUECUN: Under Beijing’s Eyes

AUG. 18, 2014


BEIJING — In the summer of 2000, a colleague gave me a sealed folder containing my personal file. He told me that our employer, Continue reading