Tag Archives: Press Freedom

China leads the world in media corruption, says expert

By David Bandurski | Posted on 2015-01-23

In September last year, as China saw a series of media scandals, we ran several articles addressing the phenomenon of media corruption. We refer readers back to Continue reading

Taiwan journalists feel pressure as elections approach

taiwan.blog.11.3.AFPActivists rally outside parliament in support of students occupying the building to protest a trade pact with China in Taipei on March 21, 2014. (AFP/Mandy Cheng)

Political tensions are rising in Continue reading

Hong Kong protests bring crisis of confidence for traditional media

Young turn to social media as newspapers and TV stations owned by local tycoons take care not to offend mainland China


Students in Hong Kong
Students demonstrate in Hong Kong, where protests are now in their second month. Photograph: Paula Bronstein/Getty Images Continue reading

On Dealing with Chinese Censors


162909955Feng Li/Getty Images
It was a hot afternoon in June in the East China city of Jinan. Continue reading

The Rights and Responsibilities of Disagreement

Posted on 21 September 2014 by Katherine Morton

As part of the robust engagement of the People’s Republic of China with media and academic opinion internationally, outspoken interventions, pointed critiques as well as rambunctious Continue reading


12 September, 2014 (04:00)

September 2014

Executive summary

China’s ruling Communist Party continues to erect hurdles to foreign journalists, and the media companies that employ them, discouraging reporting on many aspects of Continue reading

Biggest rises and falls in the 2014 World Press Freedom Index

couvIndex-enThe 2014 World Press Freedom Index spotlights the negative impact of conflicts on freedom of information and its protagonists. Continue reading

China’s Troubled Media

Posted: August 11, 2014 in media

Over the past few months, those who thought the state of Chinese journalism couldn’t possibly get any worse have sadly been proven wrong. Continue reading